Source passerelle ethernet

#include "__NetEthEnc28j60.h"
#include "recources.h"
#define TMR0_PRE                    34286    //une IT toutes les 200ms à 80MHz
// mE ehternet NIC pinout
sfr sbit Net_Ethernet_28j60_Rst at LATD3_bit;  // for writing to output pin always use latch
sfr sbit Net_Ethernet_28j60_CS  at LATD2_bit;  // for writing to output pin always use latch
sfr sbit Net_Ethernet_28j60_Rst_Direction at TRISD3_bit;
sfr sbit Net_Ethernet_28j60_CS_Direction  at TRISD2_bit;
// end ethernet NIC definitions
const code unsigned char httpHeader[] = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nConnection: close";  // HTTP header
const code unsigned char httpMimeTypeHTML[] = "\nContent-type: text/html\n\n";              // HTML MIME type
const code unsigned char httpImage[] = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nConnection: keep-alive\nContent-type: image/jpg\n\n";           // TEXT MIME type
unsigned char httpMethod[] = "GET /";
unsigned char httpRequ[] = "GET / HTTP/1.1";
unsigned char   myMacAddr[6] = "ENC28";   // my MAC address
unsigned char   myIpAddr[4]  = {0, 0, 0, 0};                   // my IP address: => utilise le DHCP pour obtenir une IP
unsigned char   gwIpAddr[4]  = {192, 168,   1, 254};           // gateway (router) IP address
unsigned char   ipMask[4]    = {255, 255, 255,  0 };           // network mask (for example :
unsigned char   dnsIpAddr[4] = {192, 168,   1, 254};           // DNS server IP address
unsigned char   getRequest[15];                                // HTTP request buffer
unsigned char   dyna[31] ;                                     // buffer for dynamic response
char led0status = 0;
int nb200ms = 0;
// // User must set values of global variables in _Lib_NetEthEnc24j600_Defs.c file: !!!!!
NUM_OF_SOCKET_28j60 = 7;     // Max number of socket We can open.
TCP_TX_SIZE_28j60 = 256;    // Size of Tx buffer in RAM.
MY_MSS_28j60 = 30;          // Our maximum segment size.
SYN_FIN_WAIT_28j60 = 1;      // Wait-time (in second) on remote SYN/FIN segment.
RETRANSMIT_WAIT_28j60 = 1;   // Wait-time (in second) on ACK which we expect.
char sendHTML_mark = 0;
SOCKET_28j60_Dsc *socketHTML;
unsigned int pos[10];
// Initialization of Timer1
unsigned int cnt;
void Net_Ethernet_28j60_UserTCP(SOCKET_28j60_Dsc *socket) {
unsigned int    len;
char content_length[32];
// I listen only to web request on port 80 for web server
if(socket->destPort != 80) return ;
// get 10 first bytes only of the request, the rest does not matter here
for(len = 0; len < 10; len++){
getRequest[len] = Net_Ethernet_28j60_getByte();
getRequest[len] = 0;
// only GET method is supported here
if(memcmp(getRequest, httpMethod, 5)&&(socket->state != 3)){
if(memcmp(getRequest, httpRequ, 9)==0){
sendHTML_mark = 1;
socketHTML = socket;
// Send html page.
if((sendHTML_mark == 1)&&(socketHTML == socket)) {
if(pos[socket->ID]==0) {
LATD.F1 = 1;
// Send HTTP header.
sprintf(content_length, "Content-Length: %d", strlen(html_code));
Net_Ethernet_28j60_putConstStringTCP(httpHeader, socket);
Net_Ethernet_28j60_putStringTCP(content_length, socket);
Net_Ethernet_28j60_putConstStringTCP(httpMimeTypeHTML, socket);
Net_Ethernet_28j60_putConstStringTCP("<script>\n", socket);
sprintf(dyna, "var kimoTemp=%2.1f\n",getTempKimo(KIMO_TEMP));
Net_Ethernet_28j60_putStringTCP(dyna, socket);
sprintf(dyna, "var kimoHygro=%2.1f\n",getHygroKimo(KIMO_HYGRO));
Net_Ethernet_28j60_putStringTCP(dyna, socket);
Net_Ethernet_28j60_putConstStringTCP("</script>\n", socket);
while(pos[socket->ID] < strlen(html_code)) {
if(Net_Ethernet_28j60_putByteTCP(html_code[pos[socket->ID]++], socket) == 0) {
if( Net_Ethernet_28j60_bufferEmptyTCP(socket) && (pos[socket->ID] >= strlen(html_code)) ) {
LATD.F1 = 0;
sendHTML_mark = 0;
sendDATA_mark = 0;
pos[socket->ID] = 0;
int ReadSampleADC (char channel)
/* Fonction de lecture des voies Analogiques */
/* Les fonctions de MikroC ne semble pas s'accomoder des entrées différentielles */
ADCON0 = channel * 4;
ADCON0.f0 = 1;
ADCON0.f1 = 1;
while(ADCON0.f1 == 1);
ADCON0.f0 = 0;
return (ADRESH*256 + ADRESL)%4096;
unsigned int    Net_Ethernet_28j60_UserUDP(UDP_28j60_Dsc *udpDsc) {
unsigned int    len = 0;                           // my reply length
// reply is made of the remote host IP address in human readable format
ByteToStr(udpDsc->remoteIP[0], dyna);                // first IP address byte
dyna[3] = '.';
ByteToStr(udpDsc->remoteIP[1], dyna + 4);            // second
dyna[7] = '.';
ByteToStr(udpDsc->remoteIP[2], dyna + 8);            // third
dyna[11] = '.';
ByteToStr(udpDsc->remoteIP[3], dyna + 12);           // fourth
dyna[15] = ':';                                // add separator
// then remote host port number
WordToStr(udpDsc->remotePort, dyna + 16);
dyna[21] = '[';
WordToStr(udpDsc->destPort, dyna + 22);
dyna[27] = ']';
dyna[28] = 0;
// the total length of the request is the length of the dynamic string plus the text of the request
len = 28 + udpDsc->dataLength;
// puts the dynamic string into the transmit buffer
Net_Ethernet_28j60_putBytes(dyna, 28);
// then puts the request string converted into upper char into the transmit buffer
void interrupt (void)
if (INTCON.T0IF == 1)
TMR0H = TMR0_PRE / 256;
TMR0L = TMR0_PRE % 256;
if (nb200ms%5 == 0)
nb200ms = 0;
Net_Ethernet_28j60_UserTimerSec ++;
if(led0Status == 0)
LATD.f0 = 0;
else if(led0Status == 1)
LATD.f0 = 1;
else if(led0Status == 2)
LATD.f0 = !LATD.f0;
void MCUInit() {
ADCON1 = 0;
ADCON2 = 0b10101010;
ANCON0 = 0xff;
CM1CON = 0;
CM2CON = 0;
PORTA = 0 ;
TRISA = 0xff ;          // set PORTA as input for ADC
PORTB = 0 ;
TRISB = 0xff ;          // set PORTB as input for buttons
LATD  = 0 ;
TRISD = 0 ;             // set PORTD as output
T0CON = 0b10000110;
TMR0H = TMR0_PRE / 256;
TMR0L = TMR0_PRE % 256;
void main() {
char useDHCP = 0;
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < NUM_OF_SOCKET_28j60; i++)
pos[i] = 0;
SPI_Rd_Ptr = SPI1_Read;
Net_Ethernet_28j60_Init(myMacAddr, myIpAddr, 1); // init ethernet board
if(Net_Ethernet_28j60_getIpAddress()[0] == 0) useDHCP = 1;
LATD.f1 = 0;
led0Status = 2;
if(useDHCP == 1)
while(Net_Ethernet_28j60_initDHCP(10) == 0) // try to get one from DHCP until it works
Net_Ethernet_28j60_Init(myMacAddr, myIpAddr, 1);
memcpy(myIpAddr,  Net_Ethernet_28j60_getIpAddress(),    4) ; // get assigned IP address
memcpy(ipMask,    Net_Ethernet_28j60_getIpMask(),       4) ; // get assigned IP mask
memcpy(gwIpAddr,  Net_Ethernet_28j60_getGwIpAddress(),  4) ; // get assigned gateway IP address
memcpy(dnsIpAddr, Net_Ethernet_28j60_getDnsIpAddress(), 4) ; // get assigned dns IP address
Net_Ethernet_28j60_confNetwork(ipMask, gwIpAddr, dnsIpAddr) ; // use configured IP address
led0Status = 1;
while(1) {
//  Process incoming Ethernet packets
for(i = 0; i < NUM_OF_SOCKET_28j60; i++) {
if(socket_28j60[i].open == 0)
pos[i] = 0;
if(Net_Ethernet_28j60_doDHCPLeaseTime()) Net_Ethernet_28j60_renewDHCP(5); // it's time to renew the IP address lease, with 5 secs for a reply